Tuesday, 29 May 2012

The first one was so much fun...

It is with great excitement that we are announcing our next Community Dinner event!  The first one was so much fun that we thought it would be an appropriate way to end our first build season.

Now that we have built the first phase of The Rail Garden we want to have more programs like Art in the Garden, School Age Planting Days and maybe some new programming for gardeners and builders.

Let us cook dinner for you AND help position The Rail Garden as an asset not only to the plot gardeners but to the entire community.

If you can't remember how much fun our last Community Dinner was, check out the pictures!

Monday, 28 May 2012

Something Beautiful

We're not the only ones working hard at the garden. Very much looking forward to a little bit more of this magic happening in our corner of the city. Watch--you won't regret it!

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Compost Bin Build


Compost Bin Build, a set on Flickr.

Built in a garage on Highfield, crafted by the talented Rob and Marcel, pulled up to the garden on wagons, sitting pretty in its own little corner of the garden: the Rail Garden Compost Bin!

Friday, 25 May 2012

Planting the Garden


Planting the Garden, a set on Flickr.

Last Saturday we got together in the garden to actually start planting. Some of the Gardeners put in their plots, children started the strawberry garden and the donated plants were delivered.

It's a beautiful thing to see our garden starting to grow. You may notice as you go by over the next few weeks that the community beds are going in and expanding as the local public school classes come up to plant gardens.

We are so excited that our garden is growing now. Every day is a new addition of beauty.

A special thanks to Marc and Shannon who are the reasons that our garden is watered. Fantastic neighbours are making this garden fantastic.

Thanks to everyone for making this a reality.

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Breakfast Television


Breakfast Television, a set on Flickr.

On May 16th, Frank Ferragine (aka Breakfast Television's 'Frakie Flowers') came to the Rail Garden to do a spotlight on all our hard work!

Less Mess delivered the last of our soil, Home Hardware delivered our shed and Cohen & Master delivered the mulch.

Our neighbourhood and gardeners delivered an amazing display of support and hard work.