Monday, 7 May 2012

BT at the RG

We're going to be on Breakfast Television! That's right, next Wednesday, May 16, in the wee hours of the morning (6-8:30am), Breakfast Television's Frankie Flowers will be giving the weather report and news updates LIVE from our very own Rail Garden! 

During that time, we've got some work to do. Our generous soil sponsor, Less Mess, (who, by the way is donating all of our soil for free!) will be dropping off bags of soil, and our job will be to fill the ten raised beds with it, as well as some pots. It'll be a substantial job, so we need your help. Set your alarms, it's going to be an early morning! In exchange for working in the dirt at the crack of dawn, we'll provide coffee, food, fame, appreciation, and did I mention coffee?

Come with your shovel and your early morning pep!