Sunday, 29 April 2012

Bed Build Work Bee

Frame!Before the BuildLumber DeliveryFlat Bed Action ShotSetting up the BuildMoving the Wood
Getting the Kids in the GameFun for All AgesDeath Defying ChildTeamworkAnd so it beginsMeasuring Twice
Cutting OnceNot Poison OakJon's TurnFirst PlotLumber BunnyConfirming length
Fenner LearningAction Shot?Right AngleTest Driving the PlanDiscussing the first frame buildFirst Frame

Bed Build Work Bee, a set on Flickr.

On April 28th, the second key Work Bee of the The Rail Garden start up was completed. Another amazing group of volunteers congregated at The Rail Garden to help us construct our first 10 allotment plot frames. The weather cooperated and we had another superb day in the garden.

It was a more technically challenging work day than digging the plots so we made sure we had a team of knowledgeable carpenters to head our crews. Thanks to Miranda Stone, Jon Harris and Bryce Miranda for your time, tools and experience.

Thanks to the amazing volunteers from the Earth Day Work Bee, the plots were dug and only needed finessing to fit the frames which saved everyone's sanity.

Danforth Lumber delivered our lumber and materials bright and early at 8:00 am so when Jon arrived at 9:00 we were ready to start organizing.

Local resident and realtor, Belynda Blythe donated enough pizza and beer to keep all our volunteers, crew bosses and organizers going all day long.

By 6:00 pm we had assembled, realigned and leveled all 10 frames. Thanks to our enthusiastic and supportive community we are now ready to have our soil delivered in preparation for the big Plant.

Stay tuned for information about our Planting Day when we can plant our portable community gardens and how you might enjoy the day with us!